<<<<<<< Updated upstream AttendanceOverview

Attendance Analysis

About the Project

Analysing the attendance of a company is very important when it comes to launching new products or having any important team meetings. This professional dashboard helps HR and other stakeholders to know the trend of attendance based on days. Since the company is working in a hybrid mode, it is more important to understand when the employees are available at the office. Atliq Softwares’ HR was having a tough time analysing the trends so this is the solution I came up with. The dashboard is fully automated and will be updated as and when new data is fed into the system.

Business Requirements:

  • 1. Automate attendance tracking of the employees
  • 2. Analyze the percentage of employees present on different days of the week
  • 3. Analyze the percentage of employees working from home and taking sick leaves
  • 4. With the help of this analysis find out the best time to have important meetings and product launches

Skills Implemented:

  • 1. Data cleaning
  • 2. Used the concept of the pivot and unpivot in Power BI
  • 3. Used DAX techniques to find out the best solutions to the problem
  • 4. Created a dashboard using different Power BI visualisation techniques
  • 5. The dashboard is fully automated, changes in the data set will directly affect the dashboard helping in future months attendance tracking

Below is the final report in Power BI dashboard. If not visible please Click Here!

======= AttendanceOverview

Attendance Analysis

About the Project

Analysing the attendance of a company is very important when it comes to launching new products or having any important team meetings. This professional dashboard helps HR and other stakeholders to know the trend of attendance based on days. Since the company is working in a hybrid mode, it is more important to understand when the employees are available at the office. Atliq Softwares’ HR was having a tough time analysing the trends so this is the solution I came up with. The dashboard is fully automated and will be updated as and when new data is fed into the system.

Business Requirements:

  • 1. Automate attendance tracking of the employees
  • 2. Analyze the percentage of employees present on different days of the week
  • 3. Analyze the percentage of employees working from home and taking sick leaves
  • 4. With the help of this analysis find out the best time to have important meetings and product launches

Skills Implemented:

  • 1. Data cleaning
  • 2. Used the concept of the pivot and unpivot in Power BI
  • 3. Used DAX techniques to find out the best solutions to the problem
  • 4. Created a dashboard using different Power BI visualisation techniques
  • 5. The dashboard is fully automated, changes in the data set will directly affect the dashboard helping in future months attendance tracking

Below is the final report in Power BI dashboard. If not visible please Click Here!

>>>>>>> Stashed changes